In a world where we get to see and have anything and everything we ever wanted. It can be challenging to know when to say enough is enough. We are constantly told to do more, want more, eat, and have more. But the harsh reality is that there is only so much our bodies can take. So, how do we know when enough is enough?
As a doctor, I can honestly say I have seen a lot, maybe not everything, but more than I have ever thought was out there. It’s funny; I spent years studying so much that I thought I knew everything or at least an offal lot. That was until I got sick. I was pulling over eighteen-hour days, and burning the candle at both ends was an understatement. My health had been dipping for months. If I am being honest, I had been sick for as long as I could remember. It’s funny how we get used to things long enough that they become our new normal. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how often I see and hear the same story.

The More You Know
One of my most giant jobs now is educating people on what is expected and what to look out for when things go off track. After thirty years of schooling, I thought I had learned enough. Only to find out not only was it not enough, but it was also the wrong information to focus on. Did you know there are tons of red flags your body will throw out that let you know you are dealing with a situation of excess? This can be an excess of stress, a lot of hormones, heck, any type of imbalance in the body, really. It is your body’s way of saying enough is enough, and it’s time to remove what no longer serves you!
Believe it or not, our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins. From the foods we eat, the water we drink, even the air we breathe. Here’s the thing, no matter how hard we try or how clean we live, there are always going to be things that are outside of our control. While our bodies come built with a natural way of detoxing, there is a limit to what the body can do on its own. It is essential that we do whatever we can to help support our bodies in doing their job.

When Enough is Enough
While there are several organs constantly detoxing your body, none of them work harder than the liver. One of the most giant jobs the liver has is to remove excess throughout the body. Most of this work happens while you are asleep, and the liver can catch up on all the overload of toxins and hormones you no longer need. When we are exposed to high levels of hormones and toxins faster than we can eliminate them it can start to take its toll on our bodies. It might not even seem like a big deal until it all starts to add up. When the body is dealing with excess toxins and hormones the liver is the first to be affected. Regrettably, the liver does so much work that when it struggles it produces a domino effect throughout the body. Excess strain on the liver pushes the adrenals into exhaustion followed by the thyroid. It’s important to note that each of these organs focuses on hormone production and regulation. That means when these organs go down it makes things throughout the body even worse!

Be On The Lookout!
In order to prevent long-term health issues, it is important to spot the signs and symptoms early. Some of the signs that can indicate your body is dealing with an abundance are brain fog, exhaustion, food sensitivity, mood irregularities/swings, anxiety, digestive issues, and even trouble sleeping. To be honest, there are a ton of signs to be on the lookout for. One of the best tips I can give you is to listen to your body. The moment something has changed for the worse don’t ignore it or just push through it. These signs serve a purpose and it is to keep you from drowning beneath the surface. If you need help or would like to learn what your body is trying to tell you I am always more than happy to help. Remember, my job is to help you become your own advocate for your health. This means, my goal is for you to not need me. That is why so much of what I do revolves around educating you on how to listen to your body and respond in kind. I am constantly working on ways to help you take back control of your health and happiness naturally.

No Time Like The Present
Keeping your body free of toxins and free radicals is necessary to maintain a healthy life and a healthy mind. Add any of these foods to your regular diet to help your body with its critical detoxifying processes. If you are looking for a safe and all-natural way to detox your body at home be sure to check out my Balancing Abundance Program. Because detoxing is so important and realistically everyone should be doing it on at least a seasonal basis I have taken the time to put together a program to help you do just that. Here’s the thing, I know working with me one-on-one can seem difficult to get into (due to limited space) and I wanted to be able to give everyone an additional solution that has no limits. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and successful at everything you do so here are some recipes to help set you up for success!

Apple Butter Old Fashion
Gluten-Free Vegan Serves 1
- 3 Ounces Apple Cider
- 1 Ginger Kombucha
- 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice
- 1 Tbsp Apple Butter
- Dash of Orange bitters
- 1 Cinnamon Stick
- Sliced apple to top
In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients except a cinnamon stick and apple slices. Shake to combine and pour over ice. Serve with cinnamon sticks and sliced apples. For an adult, twist adds 2 ounces of bourbon or whiskey.

Pumpkin Chowder
Gluten-free, Vegan, Serves 8
- 6 cups Vegetable Stock
- 1 medium pie pumpkin, peeled, seeded, and cubed
- 6 cups Water
- 1 White Onion diced
- 3 Stalks Celery, diced
- 1 cup Quinoa
- 2 Large Carrots, diced
- 4 Cloves Garlic, minced
- 2 Bay leaves
- 1 tsp dried Sage
- 2 tsp dried thyme
- 1 1/2 cups Whole Fat Coconut Milk
- 2 cups Spinach
- 1 cup Pumpkin Puree
- 2 cups Portobello mushrooms, sliced
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
In a large soup pot saute onions, garlic, celery, and mushrooms with oil. Once they start to become fragrant add in water, stock, carrots, pumpkin, quinoa, bay leaves, sage, and thyme. Bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling has been reached, reduce to a simmer and cook until the pumpkin is tender about 20-25 minutes. Add in remaining ingredients and cook for an additional 7-10 minutes.

Pecan Muffins
Gluten-Free Vegan Serves 12
- 3 medium bananas overly ripe
- 1/4 cup brown coconut sugar
- 1 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup almond flour
- 2 Tbsp vegan butter
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 3/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 can chickpea fluid
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla
- 2 Tbsp applesauce
- 1/3 cup pecans
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line cupcake cups with the non-stick option of choice. Mash the bananas in a small bowl and set them aside. In a medium bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking soda. In a large bowl cream together sugar and butter. To the butter mixture add bananas and the rest of the wet ingredients. Mix until well combined and slowly add in the dry ingredients until the batter is fully combined. Pour the batter into the cupcake holders and top with pecans. Bake the muffins for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Need A Hand?
A happy and healthy life is closer than you may think. We all have to deal with our health daily, and when we don’t feel our best, it shows. If you are tired of just making it through your day, you NEED to start investing in your health today! You are not alone on this journey. If you ever need any help, I am always here to do just that. Even if it is something as small as acting as a sounding board, do you have any questions or concerns I can help you with? Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected], or you can even book a one-on-one call with me. Be sure to subscribe to gain access to tons of free goodies and check back daily for more great recipes and information!