Are you looking for the bare essentials when it comes to improving your health? First off, I am a firm believer in you get what you put in so I strongly advise my clients to do more than the minimum. But I cannot tell you how many times I have clients ask me to boil things down to just a handful of options. That is why you will often see me write about the top 5 herbs or oils to reach your goal or even the top 10 foods to help you achieve the body of your dreams. While it is true that the more specific you choose to be in your approach the more effective it will be. There are a few key things that overlap in just about all areas of your health. These foods are often highlighted as superfoods because they come with so many different health benefits.

The Benefits of Anti-inflammatory Foods
Most of us don’t realize that the majority of our health issues all stem from one of our body’s first natural responses. Inflammation is almost always at the heart of any health-related issue. While this natural response is designed to help your white blood cells to reach and destroy possible threats faster it acts as a double edge sword. One of the biggest drawbacks to prolonged inflammation is the fact that it slows down circulation throughout the entire body. I know what you are thinking… Doesn’t inflammation increase the circulation to one point? Yes, however, it was designed to be active for short periods of time. In the event that your body is exposed to excessive or prolonged inflammation, it actually cuts off the flow of circulation to everything else.
It helps if you think of it like a traffic jam on the freeway where there has been a car accident. The first responders need to get to the accident to help treat the patients and as such traffic seems to push everyone closer to make way for the fire, police, and medical assistance. When it is something smaller they can quickly move the patients and vehicles out of harm’s way and the flow of traffic is restored. However, when it is not something small (like when there are a large number of victims or cars) traffic can be delayed even longer. In the real world, we redirect the flow of traffic. However, your body doesn’t have that same luxury. Traffic then comes to a dead stop and toxins build up creating even more trouble and nutrients cannot make it to their intended destinations. You can see how quickly things can start to pile up.

How to Keep Things Moving
Your body deserves the best, but it is insulting to your body to treat it like a trashcan by consuming toxic substances in your daily meals. Eating clean is not just about the shape of your body but about the shape of your life and your health. The effort and care you take to shape your life and your health will eventually show in your body and your skin. We only have one, so why not treat it with respect?
Applying heaps of makeup is a temporary fix for a glowing face. Fresh, healthy ingredients, on the other hand, are a more permanent solution. You do not have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces. You just have to prepare good food from fresh ingredients. According to Mike Adams,

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic diseases are caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.”
Here are some of the natural ingredients that you can add to your daily meals to keep your mind active and your skin glowing.

1. Avocados:
Green foods are natural sources of detoxifying molecules. They neutralize the poisonous substances that have accumulated in your body. Avocados are rich in vitamin C, which provides collagen; collagen is a protein building block for our skin cells and keeps our skin firm and wrinkle resistant. Avocados are also rich in vitamin E, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and protects the skin from inflammatory irritants.

2. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene which helps the skin remain youthful by protecting it from the damaging rays of the Sun. Tomatoes also balance the pH of your body, tighten your skin pores, reduce skin irritation, and prevent acne.

3. Pomegranate:
The juice of this fruit is a super meal for your skin, hair, and health. It is rich in antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, all of which are essential for your skin. Pomegranate is also rich in omega 5 fatty acids, which facilitate cell repair and regeneration.
4. Essential fatty acids:
Essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6 are essential to our body’s cells. They keep the skin hydrated by maintaining its natural oil barrier. Foods rich in these essential fats include salmon, flax seeds, safflower oil, walnuts, and soy.
Changes do not have to be big. Start integrating a few of these ingredients into your meals on a regular basis, and start noticing a difference. Your body is a reflection of what goes on inside it, and it’s up to you to make sure that what goes in it is healthy and fresh! Here is a great recipe to help you try out your new knowledge. Looking for a great way to add some of these foods into your daily routine? Why not give this recipe a try?

Sicilian Salmon
Gluten Free Dairy Free Serves 4
- 4 Salmon Fillets
- Olive Oil
- 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
- 1 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
- 2 Cloves Garlic minced
- 1 tsp Paprika
- 2 Tbsp Chopped Oregano
- 1 Head Broccoli Cut into Florets
- Zest of one Lemon
- 1 Cup Cherry Tomatoes
- ½ Cup Pitted Kalamata Olives
- 1 Avocado
- 2 Tbsp White Wine
Heat 1-2 Tbsp olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Rub salmon all over with 1-2 Tbsp olive oil and lemon juice making sure to coat everything. Next sprinkle chili flakes, paprika, salt, and pepper over the fish seasoning on both sides. Place fish into skillet skin side down and sear until crispy (2-3 minutes) flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove fish from skillet and add 1 Tbsp olive oil to the pan. Cook broccoli for 5 minutes, add in tomato, garlic, oregano, lemon zest, salt, and pepper. Continue to cook until the tomatoes burst. Remove from heat and add wine to create a sauce. Next, add in olives, and salmon to warm throughout. Serve the salmon with a side of the vegetables and fresh avocado on top and a splash of sauce.

Need A Hand?
A happy and healthy life is closer than you may think. We all have to deal with our health daily, and when we don’t feel our best, it shows. If you are tired of just making it through your day, you NEED to start investing in your health today! You are not alone on this journey. If you ever need any help, I am always here to do just that. Even if it is something as small as acting as a sounding board, do you have any questions or concerns I can help you with? Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected], or you can even book a one-on-one call with me. Be sure to subscribe to gain access to tons of free goodies and check back daily for more great recipes and information!