Okay, we all want to be happy, healthy, and successful. Yet, most of us are constantly derailing our own efforts again and again. Don’t get me wrong, I know that we are all different (and that’s a good thing). But deep down we all want the same or similar things. No matter what labels we choose to place on them we are all striving to be happy, healthy, and successful at everything we do. Luckily, the universe knows that we are all striving for the same goals and has created a number of ways to help us get there. One of my favorite paths to take that always leads to success is nutrition.

Feast Or Famine
Now, we all know eating more fruits and vegetables is good for us. In spite of being loaded with amazing health and happiness benefits, we often fail to reach for the right foods when we are trying to lose weight or even to improve sleep or lower stress levels. More often than not this is due to the fact that fewer people naturally gravitate to fresh fruits and vegetables because we have been conditioned to crave sugar-loaded foods. One of the biggest drawbacks of consuming these types of foods is that they can often lead to an excess of toxins within our bodies while also throwing our hormones out of sync. As a result, most of us put our bodies through two extremes “Feast or Famine”. The biggest issue with this is that these extremes can increase the likelihood that we will binge eat whenever we can.

Feed The Beast
So, how do we tame the beast from within? That is far easier said than done. But the answer is simple, by eating more foods that are nutrient-dense and detoxing regularly and naturally we help provide our bodies with the keys to be happy, healthy, and successful. Due to the fact that the number one reason people fail to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their daily nutrition is because of flavor. I have selected one food to highlight that can help boost the flavor of even the least desirable of foods. Not to mention it blends itself into almost any dish and is great for reducing stress, weight, and improving sleep quality.
“The avocado should be the ‘miracle food’ of your dining table because of its myriad benefits.“
Dr. Dee

1. It is highly nutritious and loaded with vitamins like vitamin K, which is important for forming blood clots and helps in wound healing and repair; folate, which is important for the formation of the genetic material present inside our body cells; vitamin C, which is important for the health of our gums; potassium, which is essential for the activity of the cells of the nervous system; and vitamins B5, B6, and E.
2. It provides essential major and minor minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Most of these minerals participate in the normal processes of the body such as respiration and maintenance of normal blood pressure, and they have been proven to slow aging.
3. It is rich in heart-friendly monosaturated fatty acids like oleic acid. According to research, oleic acid reduces inflammation and suppresses cancer-related genes and cells.
4. It provides essential fiber for metabolic health. Fiber is the indigestible component of plants that facilitates weight loss and reductions in blood sugar.
5. It fights against cholesterol and triglycerides.
6. It is a good source of antioxidants and supports those body organs that detoxify the body and purify the blood. These antioxidants include lutein and zeaxanthin.

When Healthy Tastes Good!
Not only are avocados healthy, but they are also delicious and complement many kinds of meals. They can be added to salads or other recipes—such as guacamole, listed below—or enjoyed right out of their skin. They have a soft, rich, fatty consistency and blend well with various other ingredients. The avocado is your partner in weight loss and is a good friend of your health and heart. Grab several the next time you’re at the grocery store! Here is another way to incorporate avocados into your daily routine with ease!

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
Gluten Free Vegan Makes 6 dozen
- 1 Avocado Mashed
- 2 Cups Applesauce Unsweetened
- 1 ½ Cup Almond Flour
- 2 tsp Baking Powder
- ½ Cup Coconut Flour
- 1 Cup Cocoa Powder Unsweetened
- ½ Cup Coconut Sugar Powdered
- 2 tsp Pure Vanilla
- ½ tsp Sea Salt
- 2 Cups Coconut Sugar
In a medium bowl, mix together cocoa, coconut sugar, and avocado. Then slowly beat in applesauce and vanilla. Next combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. Make sure to mix ingredients well and completely incorporate them. Once the dough is combined, cover and chill for at least 4 hours. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with non-stick preventative of choice (I suggest either parchment paper or silicone mats). Roll dough into 1 inch balls. Evenly, coat each dough ball in powdered sugar before placing on the cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 350. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the sheet for 5 minutes prior to transferring to the cooling rack to cool completely.

Need A Hand?
A happy and healthy life is closer than you may think. Our health is something that we all have to deal with daily, and when we don’t feel our best, it shows. If you are tired of just making it through your day then you NEED to start investing in your health today! You are not alone on this journey. If you ever need any help I am always here to do just that. Even if it is something as small as just acting as a sounding board. Do you have any questions or concerns I can help you with? Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] or you can even book a one-on-one call with me. Be sure to subscribe to gain access to tons of free goodies and check back daily for more great recipes and information!