Are you tired of feeling like you have no control over your health and happiness? Do you struggle with chronic health issues? You are not alone! Over half of the United States is currently struggling with at least one chronic health issue that can be avoided. One of my jobs as a doctor is to help educate you on all the different all-natural options you have available to you. You deserve to live a happy, healthy, and successful life and I want to show you just how easy it can be to do just that!
No one knows more about what is going on with your body than you. I got into natural medicine because traditional medicine failed me. While in school to become a doctor I became very. Like the majority of us, I went to my doctor and all my tests came back normal. But here’s the thing, what I was experiencing was anything but normal! I spent 2 years of my life desperately trying to find answers only to get sicker and sicker. In an attempt to help me, my doctor prescribed TONS of medications that in the end only made things worse. I knew there had to be another way.
Your body is constantly talking to you in a desperate attempt to communicate its needs? Here’s the thing, most of us miss the warning signs that our bodies are constantly sending out. Often it is not until our bodies begin to shut down that we finally take notice.
The real issue is that even when our bodies begin to shut down we often are only treating the symptoms created by the problem rather than dealing with the root cause. As a side effect, our signs and symptoms keep coming back.
As a society we have been taught to treat or mask just the symptoms that develop from the issue. When the best solution is to fix the root of the problem, it seems foolish to do anything else.
What I do that is so different from other doctors is I teach you how to identify the warning signs and how to use those signs and symptoms as bread crumbs that lead us to the root cause. From there, we focus on not only managing the symptoms, but also addressing the real issue.
So many of us have become accustom to holding out for a magic pill. Spoiler: there is no such thing! Real results come from real work and effort.
Now, I am all about learning from our past. I was taught that you learn more from failure than you do from success and that is still true. But you need someone who is going to be there every step of the way with you to help you work through everything you have done so far and lead you towards new options that have a higher probability of working.
You are one of a kind. The reality is that you need a customized approach to your health and wellness that can grow with you. One of my favorite things has always been problem solving and creating solutions. Luckily, everyone’s wellness journey is unique to them and I get to do what I love by mapping out your unique route. Make no mistake, your path to wellness is a never ending journey…
You’ll feel 10 years younger when you ditch the toxins along with the afternoon crash and bum. (You can make it through the workday without coffee or sugary snacks. Promise!)
Say goodbye to those pesky pounds you’ve been trying to lose for so long! You’ll lose the weight naturally and effortlessly. You will crank up your metabolism, big time.
You can create an immune system that protects and defends your health, without the fear of it being too good at its job. Prevent and manage your immune health using safe and all-natural options.
three Month Option
This option is available as a payment plan of 3 payments of $1,200 each month.
Add On Option
Everyone’s wellness journey is different. While I cannot promise you will reach your end goal in 30 days. I can promise that as long as you are willing to do the work I will be there every step of the way. You will never be alone!
You will have access to a private facebook group where you can exchange your experience, progress and discoveries with other fellow students.
Once you enroll, you can access the educational content anytime and revisit as often I would would like. Download recipes and use them on a daily basis.
I will host a weekly zoom within the group to answer all your questions and give you tips on how to succeed with your lifestyle change.
Customized materials are downloadable in pdf format. They are yours to keep and refer to over and over.
Each month we do one live workshop that you get free access too (along with access to workshops you may have missed). These educational videos are designed to help you maximize your results.
Here's the thing, I want you to succeed. That's why I tend to give you TONS of free goodies that are designed to help you do just that. Your health and happiness is my priority and as such I like to spoil you often!
Here are some of the results you can expect:
Lose an average of 3-5 pounds in one week
Feel lighter, glow, and have tons of energy
Kick sugar cravings
Sleep like a baby, without waking up at 3 am.
Decrease your belly bump – yep, no more middle waist squish!
Get a hot body just in time, or just fit into your fave jeans or the suit you need to wear to the business meeting next week
This is a delicious adventure of discovery and releasing what’s no longer serving you – both physically and emotionally.
And when you learn to finally let go of it all, you can access amazing freedom of both body and mind.
Besides, who doesn’t want to look and feel their greatest today?
Once you have selected which timeframe works best for you and made the purchase you will immediately receive and email. This email will confirm your purchase and contain your instant access to the Facebook group as well as a link to book your next call with me.
The first call tends to run long, (so be prepared) during which time you will tell me a little bit about what is going on with your health and your goals that you would like to work on. From there, I get to work and will send you access to a bunch of goodies designed with you and your goals in mind!
Each week we will meet via zoom and talk about you and your journey. Be prepared to put in the work. Whatever you put in you will get out of working with me! Remember, you are not alone and I am always available to help you get through any hurdles along the way.
three Month Option
This option is available as a payment plan of 3 payments of $1,200 each month.
Add On Option
Everyone’s wellness journey is different. While I cannot promise you will reach your end goal in 30 days. I can promise that as long as you are willing to do the work I will be there every step of the way. You will never be alone!
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